Photoshops Tutorials Overview

Adobe Photoshop is a software raster graphics image editing, graphic design, and digital art developed and published by Adobe Inc. It uses layering to allow depth and flexibility in the design and editing process. As you continue reading, you will see tutorials to help you better understand using Adobe Photoshop for future projects. 

In this video, the person will show some basics of using Adobe Photoshop from the tools and effects used to edit photos, such as duplicate layers, layers styles, and layer masks. Based on how the person presented the essential tools in the video by defining and showing shortcuts, the devices will be easier to use on daily projects. For example, you can transform the image into a different perspective and size, use a gradient on the text on a specific layer, and use distortion to change the shape within the image. It is interesting how many effects can be used on a single until you are satisfied, such as blurring the vision. It can help the viewer get different potential styles and perspectives in their photo, allowing them to experience creative ideas. 

In the video, the person introduced how to create this classic sandstorm/disintegration effect seen in lots of big-budget production, but entirely in Photoshop in under 5 minutes.  The person showed different tools that can be handy tools to help create distinct and separate images. For example, the lasso tool selects an object to be removed or invisible within the photo if considered a distraction from creating a beautiful picture. Also, the layer mask tool will help choose an object to be separated to make two different layers, like cutting out the thing from the image with scissors. It is interesting how you can manipulate easy a  photo in a few minutes by using the different brush tools and filters from the forward warp within layer masks.

In this video, the person explains how to use Photoshop with this Adobe Photoshop tutorial (2022), especially when this version comes with furthermore Neural Filters to make the landscape and portrait photos simply awesome. From watching the video, the instructor goes over the necessary tools to use in an image, from filtering it to saving it on your devices. The viewer can identify that some of those tools are easy to handle, such as using the crop tool, raw camera filter, and selection tool, because they can do it automatically or faster to drag on your own. It is interesting how Photoshop provides many options in the brush tool, from changing the direction, size, hardness, and styles, which brings a lot of possibilities for transforming your photo into more artistic. Also, the adjusting tools are more helpful in any image since you change the blurriness, drag pixels in any direction, change the brightness, and adjust the color intensity to get a clearer image perspective. 


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