Illustrator Tutorials Overview


    Abode Illustrator is a graphics software application that allows you to design and create images from logos, icons, drawings, typography, and complex illustrations as a professional program for any medium needed. As you continue reading, you will see tutorials that will help you better understand using Abode Illustrators for future projects. 

EVERY Adobe Illustrator Tool EXPLAINED (in Under 20 Minutes)

    In the video, the person explains every 87  tools available in Adode Illustrators in a few minutes. He carefully explains his instructions while showing the audience in the video how the tools are being used in a medium. He gives specific details on which keys you should be using for better techniques and sets the mood if you were a student listening to his lesson in person in the class. It is attractive how he explained each tool's seconds quickly and still had good benefits on the viewer's understanding as a beginner that you can get an idea of how you can use those tools for futures project. He connected the devices by using the examples together and notifying us of the critical board shortcuts for a quicker process. I see that the shapes and types of tools are easier to use since I might make different attractive logos by employing just those methods in one project. However, using the perspective tools within the shapes will be difficult because it is more three-dimensional than drawing or putting figures into the median. 

The BEST Tools To Use In Adobe Illustrator 2021 

    In this video, the person explains, based on his experiences, what are the best tools he recommends to others to use in their projects. It is interesting that the person uses real examples from his previous projects to give the viewer an idea of how those tools should be used in the abode illustrator. Also, he shows samples of the consequences of using the devices while providing advice on how to fix or avoid them. I believe using the pen tool would be difficult to use because if you want a specific form using the pen tool, it needs to be precise. You will need to take a lot of time to get it on how you want from the curves or vectors, especially if I want to use illustrator to create words and shapes with unique styles in logos or create icons. 

               Illustrator CC Tutorials

    In this video, the person gives a general start on creating a logo from the beginning to the end while using power tools. You can find it interesting how the person goes step by step on setting up their project in abode Illustrations from the size of their medium to properly set up guides in the program. Also, He thinks of different possibilities for the audiences if they have trouble following his instructions or can't find the tools they need to use in the project. Using the selection and deselection tools would be difficult even though they serve different purposes, but you might confuse them when selecting a shape for grouping or changing the point. I might use this to help me use an old design for a new idea to create a new icon. 


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